You are What You Wear
By Liz Everett
We are so used to hearing fitness trainers screaming, “You
are what you eat!” I think it is high time that an image and style consultant
point out that you are what you wear. I can not tell you how many times I have
had a client or random person on the street ask, “Does it really matter what I
My answer to that question is absolutely but it is deeper
than image or even the perception of others. I feel that often people throw working on their appearance off as a bi product of their 'busy' life. We are trained to make excuses
for everything from our weight to our comfort level with glamming it up. I say it
is time we all stop kidding ourselves and get to the root of the problem.
The fact of the matter is that style at it’s core will be whatever
you make it. Just as life will be as great or as horrible as your perceive.
That whole glass half full or half empty thing does not just apply to life it also
applies to your image. As a rule I try never to base my total self assessment
on the opinions of others. I base it on the truth about how I feel about
myself. When it comes to client I base my opinion on that person's truth not the opinions they have gathered from others about themselves.
The absolute most honest statement that we can ever make is if
you don’t love yourself it doesn’t matter what you have on. Then again changing
your wardrobe will always change the way you see yourself. Change is a good
thing. You just have to know how to use it to progress in your life.
I often feel that people think changing the way they dress
means they are selling out on basic ideas or something. Altering your
appearance does not have to be a result of becoming a fake version of yourself.
It is really the result of taking a closer look at yourself and learning to
tell the truth. You have to be willing to change your past to gain success in the future. If you change nothing about your personal patterns then gaining renewed success is not possible.
So many times I have found myself locked in the handcuffs of
life. Hands locked behind my back I trudge along acting, thinking, and dressing
like the other people around me when in fact I did not even like that bag or
those shoes. Over the years I have trained myself to really study how I feel,
my personal energy, ad what I truly love. I have learned to use fashion, beauty
as well as color to inspire me.
No more letting other people set the boundaries of fabulous
in my life or yours. From this day forth we are taking the bull by his
rhinestone horns! Cheers to everyday fabulous!
Check Out Outfits I Love on My Pinterest