Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Moving On & Up ..... It's Never Easy

So this post is just about moving on. I guess it is a reflection on closing doors. It is always hard to do but it is always necessary to go to the next chapter. Life has a very funny way of making you face your fears but it is always for the best. It is time for me to start walking out the next level of what God has planned for me.

I know I am not the only person who goes through changes but we often always feel like it at the time that everything is happening. I love awesome quotes so I use +Pinterest to keep me focused as well as vision boards. However, even though there are ways to cope there is still a reality to change. They say that time heals all wounds but I also believe that change can heal the heart as well.

Today I am really refocusing my energy on accepting the fact that the next level is here. You know since we are having this girlfriend's chat let's talk about stumbling blocks. You know the number 1 quote I can think in reference to this post is: You are far to smart to be the only thing standing in your way.

Most people would be surprised to know what a struggle it can be to make myself keep moving forward but it really takes a lot for me. Every day I have to be focused on conquering my fears. Everyday I am forcing myself to own up, think up and go up. When everything is focused on UP it is exhausting but I can see how much progress I made last year so I can not let this year slip through my fingers. 

This season though is a sowing season and I plan to sow in the same love, joy and energy that I plan to reap. There a emotions like compromise and the state of being exhausted but if you can not  see the good in where you are going then it won't be worth it so you have to find the light. Focus on the light in the situation. Become an expert at finding the light because if all you or we ever do is focus on the negative then we will never have the peace we truly desire. 

In the past I have written this blog more from a POP culture stand point but the only thing I really have to say anymore is what is in my heart. There are so many amazing women that have paved the way for all of our success. Some of my favorite role models are +Oprah Winfrey+Paula White+Kris Jenner+Iyanla Vanzant, the incredible Dr. Maya Angelou. What do these women have in common you may ask? No matter what situation they are handed they find the light. 

As we all deal with the ebb and flow of life it is tough to stay focused on the light alone but we have to to keep making progress. We know that we are to keep our eyes on the prize and there is no time like today to start. Locking our eyes on what we want, self improvement and being delivered from our opinions of others so that we may put our full energy in to creating a personal revolution that will overflow our live with the true beauty we were designed to attain is amazing.