Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year New You..... or is it?

Welcome to 2013!
 Lets challenge ourselves to be more than amazing! 

On the first day of the New Year there is so much to think about. We are on the verge of an incredible chance to start  2013 off right. No more broken promises to ourselves and resolutions that go up in flames!  It is time to wrap our brains around living our best lives from every angle. I do not think that there is a perfect equation in life, but I do feel that balance is key.

Looking back on 2012, I have been working on refining my vision of who I am as a creative soul, lover of fashion, beauty guru, and budding professional image consultant. I have taped segments with EHow, curled the hair of glamorous maidens across the land, given speeches to thousands of people, and wardrobed some of the most amazing talents in the industry - but there is so much more for me to accomplish in this life. Fashion and beauty inspire me!

The transition we all experience as we step our game up is often a tough challenge but it is worth it. This is the perfect time of year to set your goals, sights and standards higher. You know on average we just think about what we want to achieve but we must also consider what we are willing to sacrifice. I am willing to give it all up to follow the path I know was ordained for me.

So let's talk 3 keys to stepping up your Life & Style in 2013

1. Let's begin with a personal inventory
Take an account of the things in your life and in your closet that are working for you and the things that you need to step up or throw out. I started working on my shoe wardrobe this fall and I am going to keep working my shoes , bags and accessories hard til summer then I will switch over to garments. I also have to say that I have to kill it with following through as well as following up when it comes to business as well as friends.

2. Nail down a personal goal for each season
There are four seasons each year and four different opportunities for you to change your style as well as your outlook. Go through your closet to look at what you will be wearing at different points of the year. Then step back and ask yourself if that wardrobe truly reflects who you want to be. Your life & wardrobe are a mirror to the world.

3. Change your personal description
I always tell clients to think about what you want people to say about you when you leave the room. Tweaking your overall presence is very important to your personal delivery both at work and in your personal life. You are who you create yourself to be.

1 comment:

  1. Hey ! I just discover your blog and really like it !
    What a nice post to start the year !
    I did also my New Years resolutions: here they are ---> http://thegloryby.com

    Best wishes to you
