Sunday, December 15, 2013

Personal Revolution with Liz Everett Style

A personal revolution can often put an ahh haa moment to shame. There is something to be said for a person's total commitment to a sense of newness in their life as they tread upon the path of success. Your personal revolution is truly a journey that you must take with a distinct air of confidence otherwise your lack of self-assurance will begin to tear at your soul. Some where in your mind you are constantly thinking things like I used to dress better than this or gosh I used to be pretty rather than accepting the newness of today. Taking on the challenge of progress is never easy but to stay at the top of your game it is necessary.

We are going to work today on building an infectious sense of confidence within yourself. Confidence helps you take not just yourself to the next level but the next level in your business, career and in your social circles. Exuding that sense of overall self worth translates into success! Your visual success with your new look, updated beauty concept and personal mission will inspire not only you but everyone around you.

I have realized when it comes to beauty and fashion almost every woman in America makes an excuse to disqualify herself from looking and feeling her best. Seventy percent of the time if not eighty percent of the time when a woman is in conversation with me they are like, "Beauty? Oh I am no beauty queen!" Or they instantly shout out, "When it comes to fashion I am not a size two so maybe I should just wear this over here." Snap out of it ladies! Not many of us are a size two and none of us are perfect yet we are all beautiful so it is time to step out on faith and plan for your visual success in 2014!
As I write this article I am realizing that breaking down fashion and beauty will be a journey we must all take together. There has to be an understanding that in order to generate progress you must desire to transform. Think about next year this time. Do you want to be proud of you progress or hindered by the next looming year thinking about how you wasted the past one. I hope you are saying to yourself, "Enough already! I have wasted enough time!"

If that is how you feel I am here to cheer you on. If you have reservations about committing to revamp yourself I get it but I know that you want a personal revolution to happen. To be honest who doesn't? We all want to be at the top of our fashion and beauty game. There is a feeling of inner confidence that comes from feeling like you look your best. I call that a sense of visual success. Presentation is everything in the world of business as well as general life interactions whether or not you want to admit it. I strive to help each one of my clients understand that change is a must if you want to go to the next level. Mapping out your personal revolution is a step by step design that will help you look and feel your best.

Today we, yes that is right you and I, are going to commit to getting out of our own way! A personal revolution is a moment of truth where you drop all the old and step into the new. However, we have to make a battle plan. I know it sounds crazy that because you are unhappy your are going to buy some new shoes and then it will all be better but yes actually that is exactly what you are going to do.

You and I will be buying new shoes, updating our wardrobe and getting some teeth whitener as well as some new mascara to really get us rocking in 2014. Committing to our personal revolution means that we are declaring war on stagnate behaviors like having a closet full of clothes we don't wear, a makeup bag full of cosmetics we bought 2 years ago and feeling frumpy everyday yet we never try on anything other than our normal run of the mill everyday apparel.

It is time out for shopping at Wal-Mart just because you don't have time. There is no excuse for not taking your life and your look to the next level with your personal revolution plan. This blog is about mapping out a plan to help you capture your dreams. So now is the time that you and I both are saying to the world, "I am  ready to rock life like a runway! I don't just think I can do it, I know I can do it!"

So where do we begin? We will start with the easiest thing. Let's write the vision and make it plain. Here is a quick little exercise to get you on the right page for beginning your journey to fabulous. First you are going to take a piece of  paper out and write down some basic things that you feel are holding you back from being your best and most fashionable self. Here are a few sample questions that will help you get in the mode to self analyze:

Do you feel fashionable or frumpy?
Do the clothes in your closet truly reflect your personality?
Have you been promising yourself you would change?
What beauty habits should I add to my routine?
Where do you want to start?
How do I define visual success?
What are you worth?
Have you given up on yourself?

No matter what your answers are write them down and then flip over to the other side of the sheet. Reflect on your words for a few minutes and then write yourself a letter. Tell yourself how much you are worth which in my opinion girlfriend you are priceless! Your worth is limitless and your beauty is waiting to be uncovered. Outline a vision for the next year and reflect on the new goals you have for yourself. Pin this letter up  on your refrigerator, in your bathroom or frame it and put it on the wall. Put it anywhere you will be forced to look at it and over the next year remind yourself that it is time to be diligent about your change.

This is the first exercise in the Liz Everett Style Personal Revolution series. From here we are shooting for the moon because even if we miss we will land among the stars and truly there are stars hidden within you that we will uncover!

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