Monday, February 3, 2014

Motvation Monday: Affirm Your Success

Motivation Monday

We all have that moment where we need to step back. Things started get busy, life begins to swirl and everything just takes on a life of it's own. In this post I plan to not just give you hope but let you know that every Monday you have a chance to start fresh. 

Motivation Monday is all about a fresh start. It is a breath of fresh air at the beginning of the week. I encourage you to begin a new practice of affirmations. I love affirmations! I have them posted in my office and my bathroom. I believe that if you want success, happiness and blessings to manifest you have to open up your mouth to let the creator know.

Here is an affirmation I wrote you for this week: 

I am amazing & working to create effective change in my life.
I am not a slave to my DNA because unlimited potential lies with in me. I am a phenomenal woman from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and I am blessed everywhere I go. 
This week I am focused on _____________________________________ because I know I can do it! I am strong, beautiful & capable!

When you create your affirmation it must be all about getting yourself out of that thought rut. We all have a cycling, chronic, ring of thoughts that either work for you or against you. Get yourself into a fresh thought cycle every week by creating a new affirmation. 

By writing an affirmation you bring those things to manifest. It is the journey to looking for progress rather than judgement that takes us to the darkest places. It is time to step into the light. Say your affirmation everyday that week or simply use the ones I will be including with every Motivation Monday post from here on out.

How to write your own affirmation:  
1. Think over all about the things you are battling in life.
2. Look at the BIG picture to figure out where you want to go.
3. Answer the Question: What can I do this week to take one step towards my goals?
4. Think UP! Look UP! Act UP! The only place you can go from here is UP! As you write out your affirmation DO NOT just paint a picture of bunny rabbits & flowers get to the core of it. If you are struggling with confidence write something like - my confidence is rising everyday - so that you can speak directly to what you are struggling with.
5. Do not be afraid to write a bold affirmation because boldness = progress!

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