Saturday, March 15, 2014

Inspired Speak #proverbs31 #gogirl

Inspired Speak #quote #proverbs31 #gogirl

Inspired Speak #quote #proverbs31 #gogirl by lizeverettstyle on Polyvore

My question to each and everyone of you is: Who are you to 

disqualify yourself from being fabulous, amazing, feminine, 

curvacious, wonderful and worthy of all of the above? 

Remember that God does not make any mistakes. There may 

be things or people who have told you were less than 

amazing but I speak life to you today! You are more than 


I speak to the Proverbs 31 woman that is in each one of us. I 

want to remind you that you are worth more than rubies & 

pearls according to Proverbs 31:10. Do not just use the word 

as your weapon but as your source of knowledge about who 

you are. Pay no attention to your DNA your spritual DNA is 

unlimited in the name of Jesus and you are capable of 

greatness everyday!

Photo: Reby Sky for SuperModels Unlimited Magazine

It comes to a point where we have to stop pretending and start being. There are some serious break throughs that have to happen this year. It is not just a moment of realizing but about following through. Perfect example is if you realize you need to loose 20 pounds get on it or if you can tell that it is time to revamp your wardrobe then let's get started. You may only have $10 your name right now but take $5 start looking around for sale pieces or simply window shop until you are ready to invest.

I make no secret that I am always writing to the Proverbs 31 woman in all of us but today I am calling her out. I am calling all of us out and declaring that today is the day. If you have never followed through on anything today is the day that you start checking in with me on Mondays and Tuesdays right here on the Liz Everett Style Blog but more importantly that you start creating goals for your next 5 -10 years. We will do it together. Look out for Monday's Step 1 article.

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